[OAUTH-WG] SPA applications best practice
Jim Manico
2017-02-27 14:17:59 UTC
I've been collecting opinions about the best OAuth2 workflows for SPA applications and have come up with the following basic recommendations.

1) The more secure flow is going to be authorization code. Keep access tokens out of the DOM/Browser history.

2) Implicit flows are your only choice if you allow serverless JS clients to access your OAuth endpoints. This is much easier to implement but carries a great deal more risk. Wether or not this is good for you depends on your threat model and risk tolerance.

I'd love to keep going and turn this into a RFC but this is over my head. Does anyone here with more experience care to assist in proposing a SPA-OAuth RFC? I'd be happy to help with the grunt work. This is one of the main areas of OAuth where answers are fractured and I'd love to help push more clarity here.

Jim Manico
Secure Coding Education
+1 (808) 652-3805
Samuel Erdtman
2017-02-28 05:56:24 UTC
Hi Jim,

If there is enough information I think such RFC could be interesting in the
same way as "OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps" (
https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-native-apps-07) is for native

To see if the group also thinks so I would suggest to create a personal
draft and ask it to be adopted as a working group item. (IÂŽll send you a
direct message with some details on how to do that)

Best Regards
Samuel Erdtman
Post by Jim Manico
I've been collecting opinions about the best OAuth2 workflows for SPA
applications and have come up with the following basic recommendations.
1) The more secure flow is going to be authorization code. Keep access
tokens out of the DOM/Browser history.
2) Implicit flows are your only choice if you allow serverless JS clients
to access your OAuth endpoints. This is much easier to implement but
carries a great deal more risk. Wether or not this is good for you depends
on your threat model and risk tolerance.
I'd love to keep going and turn this into a RFC but this is over my head.
Does anyone here with more experience care to assist in proposing a
SPA-OAuth RFC? I'd be happy to help with the grunt work. This is one of the
main areas of OAuth where answers are fractured and I'd love to help push
more clarity here.
Jim Manico
Secure Coding Education
+1 (808) 652-3805
OAuth mailing list