Mike Jones
2016-05-08 05:27:51 UTC
I sat down with the two Microsoft teams that have implementations of the OAuth Device Flow and compared what they currently have built to draft-ietf-oauth-device-flow. Here's some data that we assembled...
One of the two implementations has an optional "message" parameter containing text that is to be shown to the user. This one also uses a "mkt" parameter to indicate the locale of the message (as opposed to, for instance, ui_locales). The developers want to know what the working group thinks of the possibility of supporting some kind of a "message" parameter.
The developers would like an example in the spec that shows the use of simple polling.
We are using the "device_code" grant type. The token request is missing from the spec, including the grant type being missing from the spec.
One implementation adds two new errors: auth_pending and expired_device_code. (The spec uses authorization_pending.) This implementation also uses the access_denied error defined by RFC 6749.
The other uses authorization_pending, code_expired, and authorization_declined. The developers agreed that authorization_declined should become access_denied. That implementation hasn't implemented slow_down.
The developers wanted to ask what the right code expiration error code is. They felt that invalid_grant may be a bit too broad.
Our requests in both implementations do match the specification.
Our implementations currently use verification_url instead of verification_uri. This should be changed to verification_uri to match IETF naming practices.
Our default expires_in is 900 (15 minutes). Our default interval is 5 seconds.
Both implementations do intend to migrate to the syntax in the eventual final specification.
-- Mike
One of the two implementations has an optional "message" parameter containing text that is to be shown to the user. This one also uses a "mkt" parameter to indicate the locale of the message (as opposed to, for instance, ui_locales). The developers want to know what the working group thinks of the possibility of supporting some kind of a "message" parameter.
The developers would like an example in the spec that shows the use of simple polling.
We are using the "device_code" grant type. The token request is missing from the spec, including the grant type being missing from the spec.
One implementation adds two new errors: auth_pending and expired_device_code. (The spec uses authorization_pending.) This implementation also uses the access_denied error defined by RFC 6749.
The other uses authorization_pending, code_expired, and authorization_declined. The developers agreed that authorization_declined should become access_denied. That implementation hasn't implemented slow_down.
The developers wanted to ask what the right code expiration error code is. They felt that invalid_grant may be a bit too broad.
Our requests in both implementations do match the specification.
Our implementations currently use verification_url instead of verification_uri. This should be changed to verification_uri to match IETF naming practices.
Our default expires_in is 900 (15 minutes). Our default interval is 5 seconds.
Both implementations do intend to migrate to the syntax in the eventual final specification.
-- Mike