I recall the same with Torsten and Brian.
At least, there was a sentiment in the room that we have to come up with a comprehensive analysis of the security model and threat to come up with a proper solution.
Trying to keep patching the protocol because you can would not be helpful.
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From: OAuth [mailto:oauth-***@ietf.org] On Behalf Of ***@lodderstedt.net
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 5:17 PM
To: ***@gmx.net; ***@pingidentity.com
Cc: ***@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Meeting Minutes
Different people, different perceptions :-)
But anyway, the discussion on the list has already started, right?
-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Meeting Minutes
Von: Hannes Tschofenig <***@gmx.net <mailto:***@gmx.net> >
An: Brian Campbell <***@pingidentity.com <mailto:***@pingidentity.com> >,Torsten Lodderstedt <***@lodderstedt.net <mailto:***@lodderstedt.net> >
Cc: ***@ietf.org <mailto:***@ietf.org>
Hi Torsten,
Post by Torsten LodderstedtI felt some consensous around the topic that in the end, there must be
normative chances to the core protocol and the respective security
Barry gave his advice regarding updates in this context.
There was no consensus on this topic during the meeting and, in
addition, we have to consult those on the mailing list as well.
Barry, in my understanding, outlined the different options we have at
the meeting.